Wyatt Earp, who has become controversial since his fictionalization by television, did serve in both Dodge City and Tombstone as a legally appointed...
Doc Comes To Town Holliday is called to Tombstone—and infamy.
On October 21, 1881, Wyatt Earp sends brother Morgan to Tucson to bring Doc Holliday back to Tombstone. Ostensibly, Doc is to calm Ike Clanton, who...
Shotguns at Midnight: Virgil Earp vs. Unknown Assailants
Suspicion Points to Ike Clanton, Johnny Ringo, Curly Bill Brocius, Hank Swilling and Frank Stilwell. Take Your Pick!
Love? And Marriage The Spences and their role in the Morgan Earp murder.
For Pete Spence, marriage was a godsend of sorts. He was accused in the March 18, 1882 assassination of Morgan Earp in Tombstone. Spence’s wife...
Earps Gone Wild
Brothers Wyatt and Morgan’s “bum” year pimping in Peoria, Illinois, primed them for their future as frontier boomtown opportunists on both sides of the law.
Death at his Elbow
If you took all the alcohol out of the Wild West era, you would certainly save a forest of trees, because all of the printed stories of shooting,...
Blood on the Tracks…Wyatt Earp vs Frank Stilwell
March 20, 1882 With the recent killing of Morgan Earp by assassins, Wyatt Earp spends his 34th birthday attending to the details of shipping his...