The landscape along the Whoop-Up Trail was “rolling prairie, cut up occasionally by collies [coulees]—covered with short, dried up grass and prickly...

The landscape along the Whoop-Up Trail was “rolling prairie, cut up occasionally by collies [coulees]—covered with short, dried up grass and prickly...
I guess you could say Zebulon Pike made a grand circle tour in 1806-07, although that wasn’t his intention when he set out on a reconnaissance of...
I guess you could say Zebulon Pike made a grand circle tour in 1806-07, although that wasn’t his intention when he set out on a reconnaissance of...
Then the rattling of the coach, the clatter of our six horses’ hoofs, and the driver’s crisp commands, awoke to a louder and stronger emphasis; and...
Tourists go on whiskey tours in Scotland, bootmaker Lee Miller tells me, so why not take a custom bootmaker tour in America? Could get a little...
Army engineers bent on establishing a wagon route across Montana and into the Pacific Northwest began surveys and explorations in 1853 for what...
He sat motionless, starin’ ahead, aware of everythin’ around him. In this country, patience meant survival. Too often, the first to move became the...
Alaska and the Canadian Northwest remain dangerous country. People get eaten by bears. They die of exposure. Probably a few are trampled by hordes...
The Old Military Post Road that stretches from Minnesota to Louisiana was the first north-south highway to be built by the United States in the...
The plan had been set in 1805 when Meriwether Lewis and William Clark noted where the Yellowstone River joined the Missouri and later gazed upon the...
John Wesley Powell came to Wyoming’s Green River City in 1869 to launch the first of his two expeditions down the Colorado River. Earlier, in...
In the mid-18th century, when Spain’s King Charles III learned that Russian explorers and fur traders were settling along the Alaskan coast, he...