St. Joseph touts itself as the “home where the Pony Express began and Jesse James ended.” With a new movie starring Brad Pitt as Jesse James on the...
Mellonsfolly’s Wild West
When the creation legend of a country consists of its North Island being the fish, the South Island, the canoe in which the fisherman sat, and...
“Western Movie” Night … at the Museum
For 50 years, Teddy Roosevelt has had his eye on Sacagawea. When Larry, the nightshift guard at Roosevelt’s namesake museum, convinces the former...
Madonna of the Western Trails
Dragging a weary child and cradling a baby, she knew how to fire a weapon and kept her gun close. Just exactly where she was going, she didn’t know....
Madonna of the Western Trails
Dragging a weary child and cradling a baby, she knew how to fire a weapon and kept her gun close. Just exactly where she was going, she didn’t know....
Mellonsfolly’s Wild West
When the creation legend of a country consists of its North Island being the fish, the South Island, the canoe in which the fisherman sat, and...
“Western Movie” Night … at the Museum
For 50 years, Teddy Roosevelt has had his eye on Sacagawea. When Larry, the nightshift guard at Roosevelt’s namesake museum, convinces the former...
Wickenburg, Arizona
An 1862 gold rush near Yuma, Arizona, spurred the interest of gold prospectors including an Austrian named Henry Wickenburg. His discovery of the...
Wickenburg, Arizona
An 1862 gold rush near Yuma, Arizona, spurred the interest of gold prospectors including an Austrian named Henry Wickenburg. His discovery of the...
Don’t Miss the Party Train
We know the train was a major player in the settling of the Old West. We know it’s a romantic and wonderful way to travel—just ask anyone why they...
Party Like a Cowboy
It takes a well-traveled and enthusiastic person whose love of the American West drives him (literally) to seek out the best spots to cultivate his...
Don’t Miss the Party Train
We know the train was a major player in the settling of the Old West. We know it’s a romantic and wonderful way to travel—just ask anyone why they...