Tubac was for a spell, the Capital of Sonora. While the USA was preoccupied with the Civil War, the French empire of Napoleon III, wanting to renew...
Tubac the Provisional Capital City of Sonora
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Tubac was for a spell, the Capital of Sonora. While the USA was preoccupied with the Civil War, the French empire of Napoleon III, wanting to renew...
When one imagines pristine Arizona’s dry, desolate, sunbaked deserts in the 1850s it’s difficult to picture any of it as being a utopian Shangri La...
The Pima Revolt of 1751 followed the silver strike at Arissona in October 1736. The strike attracted a large number of frontiersmen and rough-hewn...
In 1861, the U. S. Army was withdrawn from Arizona to fight in the Civil War that raged in the East. The military forts and supplies were burned...