Cherokee Stories

Cherokee Stories

When Robert J. Conley died in 2014, the Cherokee Nation and Western literature lost a tremendous voice. Evelyn Conley, his widow and driving force,...

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A Killer Gets His

A Killer Gets His

Frank McNab (or MacNab) was second in command of The Regulators, the Lincoln County (NM) outfit that tried to settle the score for the murder of...

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Max Evans in Hollywood

Max Evans in Hollywood

"Ol’ Tony Hillerman told me one time, ‘Max, you know, if you option a novel, you’ve got to hope they don’t make the movie. Because then you can’t...

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The Comanche and his Horse

The Comanche and his Horse

The acquisition of the horse in the 1600s brought immediate and sweeping changes to the Plains Indians. For the first time it gave them a wide range...

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Golden Jayhawkers

Golden Jayhawkers

After news of the discovery of gold in California in 1848, thousands of individuals made their way to the west coast of America. Fueled by the...

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Railroad Water Tanks

Railroad Water Tanks

While watching westerns on television and movies you see trains pull up and stop at a water tower and fill up the steam engine. How did those pumps...

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