Word has come that one of three remaining members of the Shakers religious sect has died. The group believes in celibacy, which has caused its...

Word has come that one of three remaining members of the Shakers religious sect has died. The group believes in celibacy, which has caused its...
She was born in a house her father built. A little house, naturally. Her father would build many more little houses as he carried his family from...
Whereas in some circles the unreliable narrator holds sway, Michael Zimmer’s latest book, Charlie Red: American Legends Collection, Book Five...
In the November 2016 issue of True West, Bob Boze Bell’s picture shows “Wild Bill” Hickok with his Navy Colt pointed to the sky. Why? Allen...
Mining Camp author Brete Harte wrote: "The ways of a man with a maid are strange, but tame, when compared to a man with a mine when buying or...
Mama, take this badge off of me I can’t use it anymore It’s getting’ dark, too dark for me to see I feel like I’m knockin’ on heaven’s door. —Bob...
Life in the wilderness took a heavy toll on the health and often the lives of the mountain men. Those hardy trappers, who roamed the Rockies in the...
Somebody called Ellsworth the “Wickedest Cattletown in Kansas,” and the place had its moments. But its time was brief—and it almost didn’t get to...
It was in the spring of 1850 when the word of the incredible richness of gold at a place called Downie's Flat swept downstream and sent a crowd of...
Film legend Debbie Reynolds—who died on December 28—was not just a consummate entertainer. She was a collector of film memorabilia, including...
One of the better known stories circulated about Polly Bemis is that Charlie Bemis, the son of a Connecticut Yankee jeweler, won her in a poker...
The late character actor Eli Wallach was offered the role of Tuco in The Good, The Bad And The Ugly because of his work four years earlier as...