Ambush at Bloody Run

Ambush at Bloody Run

United States Army Paymaster Maj. Joseph Washington Wham (rhymes with bomb) is riding in a dougherty (canopied ambulance) on his way to pay “all...

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Prescott’s Big Fire

Prescott’s Big Fire

Fires were always a menace to frontier towns. The boomtowns of Prescott, Bisbee, Jerome, and Tombstone all burned to the ground at least once during...

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Lash LaRue

Lash LaRue

I used to devour those Lash LaRue comics when I was about ten or eleven. We all liked him because he used a bull whip instead of a six gun. He was...

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A Crafty Attorney

A Crafty Attorney

Temple Houston—the son of Sam Houston—was famed in Texas and Oklahoma as a brilliant attorney. He proved it in 1899 when he defended alleged madam...

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