June 27, 1874 The Comanches and their Kiowa and Southern Cheyenne allies are hell bent on driving buffalo hunters off their land. The hunters have...

June 27, 1874 The Comanches and their Kiowa and Southern Cheyenne allies are hell bent on driving buffalo hunters off their land. The hunters have...
Some of those western outlaws were tough to the end. What does a condemned man say when he was asked if he had any last words? Does he whimper and...
Bub Meeks was like Butch Cassidy—a Mormon, born in the 1860s in Utah, and on the hunt for adventure. So it’s understandable they would hook up. In...
In 1876, Custer’s Seventh Calvary was defeated by the Lakota and Cheyenne tribes at the Little Big Horn; three years later, two British columns were...
Hopeful pioneers boarded trains bound for the frontier, but found little pleasure other than a basic seat. If a passenger lowered a window for some...
What topic could bring one of every five citizens of Phoenix on a hot August night in 1900 to a meeting in the downtown Dorris Opera House? A guess...
"We pack six-shooters and derringers for fear of the knave,” wrote 1860s Nevada miner and hay rancher George A. Whitney when describing life in the...
Martin Scorsese once said, “More than 90 percent of directing is the right casting.” Lonesome Dove is the greatest Western miniseries—no, to hell...
Recently I came across this article on my hometown situated on the Santa Fe Railroad line Old National Trail and the soon-to-be storied Route 66....
Mike Meagher was one of the toughest lawmen in the West. At age 28, in 1871, the Irish born Meagher was appointed marshal of cowtown Wichita,...
Nebraska, known by the slogan, “Where the West Begins,” is an Otoe Indian word meaning flat water, which referred to the Platte River. Even before...
When Edward Borein died in 1945, he left on his easel an unfinished oil depicting cattle at a watering hole, with a group of mounted cowboys yet to...