Bronco Bill Walters was a cowboy’s cowboy, but he took a wrong turn down the outlaw trail in the 1890s. And as Karen Holliday Tanner & John D. Tanner Jr. tell it in The Bronco Bill Gang, he and the boys left a string of corpses behind them in the Southwest—including a few of their own. This book offers lots of details, which outlaw/lawmen aficionados will most enjoy.

July 2011
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- A Screenwriter’s Five Indispensable Western Books
- Curtiz Hands the Reins to Wayne
- Colt’s Last Wild West Six-Gun
- Nocturnes Hit Million-Dollar Marks
- Love Will Find a Way
- The Civil War
- Bobby Bridger
- El Jovencito
- The Civil War on the Silver Screen
- Texas Lawmen, 1835-1899
- The Suppressed History of America
- Pansy’s History
- Where the West Begins
- The Case of the Indian Trader
- The Bronco Bill Gang
- Great Sioux War Orders of Battle
- The Bitter Waters of Medicine Creek
- The Mormon Rebellion
- The Cadillac of Cattle Drives
- Top 10 Things to Do in Denver
- Oregon Trail Endangered
- Keeping the Peace
- Bartlesville, Oklahoma
- To Garry Owen in Glory
- The Last Train to Boothill
- Beware of the Dung Tea
- Docs, Dentists & Booze
- The Fabric of the West
- The Last Ride of Bonnie McCarroll
- Viva Outlaw Women