What happened to the killer of Pat Garrett?
Nick Nixon
St. Peters, Missouri
Around 1908, Sheriff Pat Garrett, “The Man Who Shot Billy the Kid,” leased a piece of ground near Las Cruces, New Mexico, to Wayne Brazel. They got into a feud when Brazel turned a herd of goats out to graze the land.
Along came Carl Adamson, accompanied by the notorious assassin “Killer Jim” Miller. A few miles outside Las Cruces, Garrett, Brazel and Adamson were riding along when Garrett stepped down from h

May/June 2003
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
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- My father used to tell us about a fight between the Everetts and Tutts in Yellville, Arkansas. Was there a feud?
- Something we never see in the movies is how people dealt with the delicate subject of wiping their bottoms. What can you tell us about the subject?
- The photo in the Feb/March 2003 Ask the Marshall is well-known. I could never understand the “cap” the bartender is wearing. Any ideas on this?
- Hubbard Museum of the American West
- From Cow Town to Western Chic
- The Jeans Mystique