Bob Boze Bell
Fort Worth Firefight

Fort Worth Firefight

February 8, 1887 Long-Haired Jim Courtright strides into the White Elephant Saloon in Fort Worth, Texas, and has words with co-owner Jake Johnson....

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Hell’s In Session

Hell’s In Session

December 17, 1881 Cowboy James Talbot gets word that his Texas pards are in a jam—again. Hitching a ride on a passing wagon, he and former Deputy...

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Pike Peaked!

Pike Peaked!

December 27, 1894 Celebrating the holidays in Jacob “Jew Jake” Harris’ saloon in newly named Landusky, Montana, the town’s namesake, Powell “Pike”...

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Wyatt Earp Punts?

Wyatt Earp Punts?

From handball to football, from polo to golf, and from the Tombstone Tigers to the Wyoming State Penitentiary All-Stars, true Westerners have always...

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Tragic Powwow

Tragic Powwow

June 1, 1887 Absent from duty for five days, the Apache Kid, along with four other Apache scouts under his command, ride single file into the...

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