The Comancheros were a mixed ethnicity of New Mexican merchants who traded with the Comanche, Kiowa, Lipan Apache and other Southern Plains people....

The Comancheros were a mixed ethnicity of New Mexican merchants who traded with the Comanche, Kiowa, Lipan Apache and other Southern Plains people....
During the early 1800’s there was a surge of white settlers moving into what was the states of todays, Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, Alabama,...
When the Legend Becomes the Truth Print the Legend There is a persistent myth that the first gunfight in the West between women occurred in Denver...
Charles Edward “Bird” Obenchain rode with King Fisher (photo) and his gang in south Texas in the early 1870s. He apparently was a bit bloodthirsty....
Rolla Gardner had no plans to chase after some train robbers near Parachute, Colorado in June 1904. A posse was already on the trail. But then...
Ash Upson is best known as the ghost writer for at least part of The Authentic Life of Billy the Kid—ostensibly authored by Pat Garret. The two...
They didn’t really “have it out” but they rode together briefly and later were on opposite sides in the Lincoln County War. The Kid might have been...
The Colt Paterson was invented in 1831 by Samuel Colt and named the Paterson for the Colt company in Paterson, New Jersey. It was patented in 1836...
Did Will McLaury, the older brother of Frank and Tom McLaury, finance the assassination of Morgan Earp and the wounding of Virgil? Will McLaury...
One of the lesser-known combatants in the Lincoln County War was John Wallace Olinger, the older brother of Bob Olinger (photo). Wallace was one of...
Two men, famous in their own times and in their own ways. United in an important way. Bob Ford, gunned down by Ed O’Kelley (photo) on June 8, 1892...
After the assassination of Jesse James, Charley Ford went downhill fast. By May 1884—two years after the killing—he was living with his parents at...