I’ve been reading Hard Knocks: A Life Story of the Vanishing West by Harry Young, the bartender who allegedly served “Wild Bill” Hickok his last...

I’ve been reading Hard Knocks: A Life Story of the Vanishing West by Harry Young, the bartender who allegedly served “Wild Bill” Hickok his last...
Did frontier women own property during the Old West era? Patrick Powell Boston, Massachusetts Yes, many frontier women owned land and property. A...
When did Navajos arrive in Arizona? Dr. James Collins Portland, Oregon In July 1960, scientists tested tree rings on a Navajo three-fork dwelling...
A historical photo shows a group of cowboys with pipes upside down in their mouths. What’s that about? Irv Ferguson Coolidge, Arizona Yep, I’ve seen...
Did Wyatt Earp own any saloons in Alaska? Brett Carls Prescott Valley, Arizona I just re-read Ann Kirschner’s True West article about Wyatt Earp’s...
What did American Indians smoke in their peace pipes? Mark Evans Clearfield, Pennsylvania The Eastern tribes smoked tobacco. Out West, the tribes...
Was “Doc” a prolific killer? Jim McCall Chico, California No. John Henry “Doc” Holliday’s only confirmed kill was Tom McLaury at the O.K. Corral...
Were U.S. Army troops allowed to carry their own weapons? Tim Bumb Mandan, North Dakota “American soldiers have had a long tradition of possessing...
How were cattle cared for when they were shipped to slaughterhouses? Jim Millis Cottonwood, Arizona The first rail car dedicated to livestock...
Why were only the front hooves of mules shod? Mort Mortensen Mableton, Georgia The front legs carried most of the mules’ weight, so having shoes on...
What was the name of Frank Stilwell’s saloon in Charleston? Bill Brooks Beverly Hills, Florida Frank Stilwell’s place was simply known as...
Did Old West saloons have refrigeration? Lynette Calavaza Zuni, New Mexico Refrigeration or evaporative cooling did not exist out West until well...