One determined lawman brought in the big guns. During the rough and woolly days of the 19th century lived a legendary generation of U.S. marshals...

One determined lawman brought in the big guns. During the rough and woolly days of the 19th century lived a legendary generation of U.S. marshals...
Billy the Kid vs Olinger & Bell Against All Odds April 28, 1881 Godfrey Gauss and Sam Wortley live behind the Lincoln Courthouse....
Manifest Destiny, westward expansion and the California gold rush were fertile topics for humorists and satirists of the 1840s and 1850s. “A man...
The true story of how the trailblazer became the spearpoint of empire All Images Courtesy True West Archives Unless Otherwise Noted Kit Carson...
While innumerable stories about trains, train robberies and the famed trailblazer appeared in True West during its 70-year history, they were rarely...
Pack your bags and head West for adventures filled with fun and history. Road tripping across the West has come a long way from the...
Texas Ranger Jim Gillett writes himself into fame. Jim Gillett was just 20 years old when he decided to join the Texas Rangers in...
Five Prospectors vs. 50 Yavapais Maps & Graphics by Gus Walker Based on the research of John Langellier and Jack McPhee June 2,...
The Last Hours of the Notorious King Fisher The hack delivered King Fisher and Ben Thompson to the Vaudeville Theatre within a few minutes, as it...
Ten Texas Rangers who never stood down Now riding into their third century, one of the nation’s oldest law enforcement agencies carries a...
The Lone Star lawmen have been a favorite of editors and readers of True West for seven decades. In 1953, the year True West magazine...
Historic saloons, hotels and ranches are ready to serve you up a slice of the Old West. If you’re like me, tendrils of the Old West wrap...