I just watched an old Army cavalry movie, and I’m wondering about the neckerchiefs and trouser stripes. What can you tell me about the cavalry...

I just watched an old Army cavalry movie, and I’m wondering about the neckerchiefs and trouser stripes. What can you tell me about the cavalry...
What is the origin of the phrase, “You bet?” Bill Beck Boise, Idaho “You bet” is a phrase all us Westerners grew up with. It’s regarded as a...
Can you describe a drover’s typical day on the Long Trail? Stace Webb Via the Internet Long and tiring. The drovers each had a two-hour watch over...
Did cowboys really make tenderfeet “dance” by firing their pistols at their feet as is often shown in old Westerns? Bill Ramsey Kansas City,...
While watching Joe Kid and The Journeyman, I’ve noticed the use of Mausers. Was this gun typical of the period? Dick Jenkins Via the Internet The...
Have you heard of West Texas badman Charlie Small? George Cross Atlanta, Georgia You’re not going to believe this but Charlie Small was my...
When did they stop hanging men for horse theft? Also, what was the penalty after hanging was outlawed? Michael Austir Via the Internet There was an...
What did women use as hairspray years ago? Miss Kitty’s hair was always in place. Joe Pence Via the Internet Shampoo didn’t come into use until the...
This is a unique moment in jurisprudence where law, history, legend, myth and modern criminology come simultaneously to the forefront in a single...
August 25, 1896 Riding with a six-man posse that includes the deadly Dunn brothers, U.S. Marshal Heck Thomas meets two informants (the Noble...
Did cowboys really make tenderfeet “dance” by firing their pistols at their feet as is often shown in old Westerns? Bill Ramsey Kansas City,...
August 25, 1896 Riding with a six-man posse that includes the deadly Dunn brothers, U.S. Marshal Heck Thomas meets two informants (the Noble...