Back in 1992, Fred Nolan produced one of the standards of Western history. The Lincoln County War: A Documentary History was the most complete look...
Yahsi Bati
Cem Yilmaz is a major celebrity in Turkey, where he writes and acts in comedies that are apparently similar to Mel Brooks’s. (His Science Fiction...
Sweetgrass, which opened in January at the Film Forum in New York, has gained universal praise as not only one of the finest new documentaries, but,...
Canadian Paul Gross is an actor, director, songwriter, producer and screenwriter, but Americans will recognize him primarily as Darryl Van Horne in...
Laurie’s Wild West
Laurie Powers is a Los Angeles-based writer who has a deep interest in Westerns and Pulp Fiction, which makes sense since her grandfather was Paul...
On the Set of The Gundown
Gammons Gulch is not entirely real; movie sets generally aren’t, but this collection of buildings and props, encompassing a chunk of American myth...
Lineup at Encore Westerns
Encore’s Westerns Channel has announced that, beginning in 2010, the channel will be broadcasting a new batch of vintage TV Westerns, including...
Encyclopedia of Weird Westerns
The complete title of Paul Green’s book is Encyclopedia of Weird Westerns: Supernatural and Science Fiction Elements in Novels, Pulps, Comics,...
Darn Good Westerns, Vol. II
This year’s truth-in-advertising award ought to be given to VCI for its DVD series of “Darn Good Westerns.” You’ll find no shouting and no lurid...
The Wild Bunch: Forty Years Later
In November, the 40th anniversary of 1969’s The Wild Bunch was celebrated in grand fashion at the Million Dollar Theater in downtown Los Angeles....
Old West Locales
Nevada: Through the engaging narrative Lost in Austin: A Nevada Memoir (University of Nevada Press, $21.95), the reader is transported to Nevada’s...
In Their Own Words
Although derided by some egghead professors as “Cowboys and Indians, 101,” the Western Americana field of history is, actually, remarkably rich and...