Throw in one eclectic filmmaker (Tom Shell), a director who helped give Twin Peaks its creepy edge (Tim Hunter) and an Edgar Award-winning mystery...
Fullerton’s Rangers
Hornung put nearly 40 years into studying New Mexico’s answer to the Texas Rangers, and the result is the first book to cover the Mounted Police....
Best of the Badmen
Here’s the ultimate encyclopedia of old B-Western bad guys. Photographs and mini-biographies of 315 actors who ever snarled a line at our...
The Natural Superiority of Mules
As such books go, this is not your average miners’ mule rendition. This coffee table-size picture book has the greatest photography I have ever...
From Dominance to Disappearance
Here we have, at last, the first really comprehensive survey of the history of all Indians of Texas, including tribes that spilled over into...
The Fire Arrow
Wheeler’s great strength as a Western writer is derived from excellent historical research combined with his ability to teach. His Indian characters...
Dreams to Dust: A Tale of the Oklahoma Land Rush
The overnight birth of Guthrie, Oklahoma, and the ambitious dreamers who helped deliver it, are at the heart of this tale by an author who can turn...
Death Rides a Red Horse
The Bar K Ranch owes its hardy growth to the stalwart Kerry brothers. Luther, the eldest, is slow but dependable. Cole, the youngest, is a former...
My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys
Three authors offer separate stories of finding love in the Old West, all with the leading role being a female. The first story is of a young...
Holmes on the Range
Heading across Montana’s Big Sky Country, brothers Big Red and Old Red Amlingmeyer ride into a mystery when they sign on as ranch hands at the...
The Legacy of Conquest
Limerick first wrote in this book, nearly 20 years ago, that she’d probably change her mind about some of the points she raised. And she has. Her...
Zane Grey
Rare are authors like Jack London and Papa Hemingway, whose lives turned out to be as interesting as their books. But Zane Grey is another one of...