by Henry C. Parke | Sep 29, 2020 | Departments
The Sons of Katie Elder, Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, Giant. With such an extensive resume of classic Westerns, it’s easy to forget that Earl Holliman is best-known for playing Angie Dickinson’s partner on Police Woman. Looking back from age 92 with astonishing...
by Salomé Hernández | Sep 29, 2020 | Features & Gunfights
The iconic pictures of the Mexican soldier and his soldadera wearing bandoliers embody the Mexican Revolution that began in 1910 south of our border. It ended ten years later, on November 30, 1920, after many military victories and political maneuvers, with the...
by | Sep 28, 2020 | True West Blog
After coming under heavy gunfire from Membreno and Chiricahua Apaches under Mangas Colorados and Cochise at Apache Pass, on the evening of July 14th, 1862, Captain Tom Roberts dispatched six cavalrymen to return to the supply train and see to its protection. As the...
by | Aug 26, 2020 | True West Blog
Jake Snively is relatively unknown in Arizona history today but for a time he was one of its most important citizens. He came west to Texas in 1835, just as the Revolution was getting underway. He was an educated man, trained as a civil engineer and came to work as a...
by John Langellier | Aug 25, 2020 | Departments
Despite the challenges of dealing with social distancing and all the other new requirements that came in the wake of the global pandemic, the Scottsdale Art Auction, held on June 13, 2020, continued as it had in previous years. In short, the auction remained an...