The Redoubtable Toothbrush

The Redoubtable Toothbrush

The question about hygiene in the West came up the other day from someone wondering if cowboys brushed their teeth. Well, some did and some didn’t. The lack of dental care was prevalent during the 19th century. What about deodorant/body odor? Besides an occasional...
Hazards on the Long Trail

Hazards on the Long Trail

The Long drives from South Texas to Kansas from the 1860s to the 1880s were roughly six hundred miles and took about six weeks. I should have taken less but there were a number of obstacles to face along the way. Grass and water or lack thereof could cause problems....
Stories of the Oregon Trail

Stories of the Oregon Trail

When the travelers loaded their wooden wheeled wagons and hitched oxen or mules to begin a nearly 2,000-mile journey from the Missouri River to Oregon Country in 1843, they could not envision that 175 years later their journeys would be legendary. Ezra Meeker began a...