A Bozeman Christmas

A Bozeman Christmas

On Christmas Day in 1867, three years after the founding of this fair Montana Territory city, Bozeman was elected by citizens as the county seat. This was a joyous occasion for a town that had experienced a tumultuous year. The frontiersman who helped blaze the...
The Leg I Left Behind Me Part I

The Leg I Left Behind Me Part I

The Girl I Left Behind Me, a long-standing popular folk tune and song, comes from Dublin, Ireland and is dated by most authorities to the late 18th or early 19th century. The song was popular in the U.S. Regular Army, who adopted it during the War of 1812 after they...
10 Treasured Firearms

10 Treasured Firearms

I was recently asked which of my personal guns are my favorites. Of course there are many that I enjoy having for different reasons. Some I admire because of their historical association or intrinsic beauty. Then there are those I’m attached to for sentimental...