by Chris Enss | May 31, 2017 | Features & Gunfights
Her smile could be shy; her glance at times demure, but her ears never missed a secret. A master of disguises, she changed her accent at will, infiltrated social gatherings and collected information no man was able to obtain. She cried on command, yet was stoic while...
by Henry C. Parke | May 30, 2017 | Western Books & Movies, Western Movies
Show me a magazine cover with a pretty girl, a baby or a dog…and I’ll show you a magazine that sells,” publishing legend William Randolph Hearst once said. For True West, our biggest draw is turning out to be a rodeo clown-turned-actor. The magazine posts quite...
by Jim Wilson | May 24, 2017 | Features & Gunfights, Uncategorized
Among the stories of the Old West, few are more exciting than the manhunts that pitted frontier authority against those who would kill, plunder and rob. Back in those days, folks were spread out quite a bit and, at the same time, law enforcement was spread pretty...
by Leo W. Banks | May 23, 2017 | Western Books & Movies, Western Movies
When the Bitterroot Mountains exploded in wildfires in 1910, Buffalo Soldiers from the 25th Infantry helped evacuate the town of Wallace, Idaho. The blaze, possibly the largest forest fire in American history, destroyed a third of downtown. The story is part of the...
by | May 23, 2017 | True West Blog
Theaters were a popular form of entertainment in early Arizona and the first moving pictures came to the towns in the 1890’s. They were shown wherever a paying crowd could be gathered. After Charles M. Clark, of Jerome won a film projector from a traveling salesman...