Western Films in Arizona

Western Films in Arizona

Theaters were a popular form of entertainment in early Arizona and the first moving pictures came to the towns in the 1890’s. They were shown wherever a paying crowd could be gathered.  After Charles M. Clark, of Jerome won a film projector from a traveling salesman...
Rosebud Gets No Respect

Rosebud Gets No Respect

In June 1876, two battles were fought in Montana Territory between the U.S. Army and a coalition of Northern Cheyenne and Lakota warriors. Although separated by only eight days and 50 miles, the outcomes could not have been more dissimilar. The first battle, on June...
Rustled for Hollywood

Rustled for Hollywood

In the 1950s, Universal Pictures hit on an absurd premise that would delight millions and make millions: the Francis the Talking Mule military comedies. Audiences never guessed that Francis’s true identity was a more guarded secret than the technique that made him...