by John Langellier | Mar 24, 2017 | Features & Gunfights
Texans take great pride in their storied past, which is as wide and as deep as the vast Lone Star State itself. Nowhere is a sense of bygone days more evident than the legion of roadside markers that bristle like bayonets in nearly every hamlet and byway of this...
by Stuart Rosebrook | Mar 16, 2017 | Features & Gunfights
October 26, 1881, Tombstone, Arizona Territory, 2:48 p.m. The unforgettable smell of death and gunpowder hung in the air like eternity. The wails of the wounded and dying, the screams and shouts of the witnesses ricocheted down the dusty streets and alleyways of...
by Stuart Rosebrook | Mar 10, 2017 | Features & Gunfights
A century and a half ago, the nation was on the move. Just two years after the Civil War, millions of veterans and their families on both sides of the war were rebuilding their lives, many moving West for new opportunities and a chance to leave the past behind them....
by Candy Moulton | Feb 24, 2017 | Departments, Renegade Roads
As Nebraska gets ready to celebrate 150 years of statehood, you likely know these facts: it is the only state with a unicameral legislature; Nebraska City is the home of Arbor Day; and the Oregon, California and Mormon trails all sliced through the state leaving...
by William Groneman III | Feb 20, 2017 | Features & Gunfights
The Alamo’s anniversary, March 6, ignites lively debate every year among aficionados concerning the how, why and where of every aspect of that epic 1836 battle. The death of David Crockett, the Alamo’s most famous combatant, draws the most attention. James Bowie, the...