by Jana Bommersbach | Jul 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
Children soothed their thirst by scraping their fingernails on barrack windows to capture frost and warded off hunger by chewing on leather. After four days of starvation, their elders declared they would rather die seeking freedom than perish like this. Thus, on...
by Doug Hocking | Jul 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
The legend of the Bascom Affair casts Lt. George Bascom in the worst possible, unfair light, blaming him for starting 11 years of bloody warfare. Although historians now have a better understanding of the true story, the legend persists because it has the power of...
by Jack Demattos and Chuck Parsons | Jul 21, 2015 | Uncategorized
In the iconic photograph, a group of stone-faced men stare stolidly back at the camera, giving no indication that theirs was a celebratory pose, an image of the “Dodge City Peace Commission” taken to mark the victory of one group of gamblers and hard cases over...
by | Jul 17, 2015 | Uncategorized
One of those post-Indian Wars gunfights, almost lost in history occurred in northern Arizona on November 11th, 1899, long after the Indian Wars had ended. For several years the band of Navajo Chief B’ugoettin had been fighting an undeclared war with local...
by Candy Moulton | Jun 23, 2015 | Uncategorized
Those of us who are Wyoming-born residents relish the fact that we live in the least-populated state in the nation. As our former governor Mike Sullivan often said, we are a medium-sized city with really long streets. We have far more antelope, deer and elk than...