While the subject matter of this work is fascinating and the photography is top-notch, I was somewhat disappointed in this 160-page book. The author...

While the subject matter of this work is fascinating and the photography is top-notch, I was somewhat disappointed in this 160-page book. The author...
Colorado had its share of hard cases—from Jack Slade to cannibal Alferd Packer to conman Soapy Smith—and their true stories are fascinating. A lot...
The mid-1880s were strange years in a strange land for blue-blooded New Yorker Theodore Roosevelt. Fleeing a dazzling political career and the...
The author, who has written several books under different pen names, once again provides a decent Western romance. After running from her troubled...
Brush Country contains two reprints: one first published in l957, the other in l966. The first, Barbed Wire, tells the story of the introduction of...
“It is an axiom of the West that its mysterious charm cannot be evaded. By many it is compared to a disease—a slow fever, with the sensation of...
Western stories, films and TV shows stand for some very specific ideals: individualism, honor, courage and loyalty. Add the high principles to...
I just love this type of history! What a read! Cowboys are the icon of Western Americana, and rodeos are pure Cowboy ropin’, stompin’, buckin’...
This definitely must be one of the most readable books ever written about the California gold rush and its direct effect on the growth of this...
The 1871 Official Survey of the Western Territories led by geologist Ferdinand Hayden reaped much more than data about minerals and thermal springs....
If anyone out there is obsessed with the history of San Francisco, here’s another book you need. Short, documented accounts of criminal behavior...
Readers living in the Pacific Northwest sometimes lament the lack of attention paid to the history of their neck of the woods by writers of Western...