I recently received this question: Who is my favorite or most interesting Old West character? I’ve found the more I read about somebody the more...

I recently received this question: Who is my favorite or most interesting Old West character? I’ve found the more I read about somebody the more...
Thirty years after the popular film’s release, it might be the most influential Western of all time. In 1993, Walt Disney’s Hollywood...
Doc Holliday vs Billy Allen “Doc Holliday is ten feet tall and weighs a ton.” —The Arizona Daily Star August 19, 1884 Broke, sick and usually...
Wyatt Earp hits the trail to track the outlaw. In October 1876, Dave Rudabaugh robbed a Santa Fe Railroad construction camp and fled south. Wyatt...
Papers said he died in a Texas gunfight. It’s a lesser-known gunfight in the life of Doc Holliday. He was gambling in the West Texas town of...
Katherine Horoney would like for us to believe that she and Doc patch up their differences and spent time together after Tombstone but we only have...
There are competing claims about Holliday’s last resting place Doc Holliday died on November 8, 1887 and was buried the same day in the Linwood...
The word “sport” had a slightly different meaning in the Old West. Back in the days of the Old West, professional gamblers were often called...
The lawmen’s route from Arizona to New Mexico and Colorado is a grand adventure. The Gunfight That Wasn’t at the O.K. Corral was over, Billy Clanton...
A look at our mistakes throughout the years. We were snookered. Duped. Fooled. Em-barrassed. Sideswiped by a “discovery” that turns out to be fake....
Morgan Earp shouldn’t have gone to play billiards. March 18, 1882. Morgan Earp, Dan Tipton and Doc Holliday attended a performance of “Stolen...
The Earp brothers’ trail from Prescott to Tombstone is a treasure trove of historic sites. Wyatt Earp, his lawmen brothers and Doc Holliday are best...