Luke Short makes quick work of a fellow gambler. February 25, 1881. About noon, gambler Charley Storms accosts faro dealer Luke Short (photo) on...
Luke Short
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Won’t be Bullied
Luke Short stood up to Longhaired Jim Courtright. February 8, 1887. Two Old West gunhandlers go at it on the streets of Fort Worth. Jim Courtright...
Luke’s Last Fight
Short was badly wounded in the shootout. The long-simmering feud between Luke Short and Charles Wright finally reached the boiling point in Fort...
The Dodge City Gang
A gang could mean a gang of outlaws or a group of men who ran together such as gamblers. Some people looked upon gamblers as unsavory characters and...
Who Was the Dodge City Gang?
The Dodge City “Gang" wasn’t what we think of an outlaw gang like the James Younger Gang. They were euphemistically known as "Luke Short and his...
The Calm Before Storms Bat Masterson tried to stop a gunfight…
Bat Masterson tried to get between Charlie Storms and Luke Short and stop a gunfight—and failed. Storms and Short, both gamblers, got into an...