Ike Clanton tried to avenge the OK Corral fight. After the OK Corral shootout, Ike Clanton wasn’t about to give up in his efforts for revenge...

He Couldn’t Let it Go
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Ike Clanton tried to avenge the OK Corral fight. After the OK Corral shootout, Ike Clanton wasn’t about to give up in his efforts for revenge...
Funny what a hunch can produce. I didn’t see any ads or notices about the event in Tombstone. I just knew I had to be there, in the corral, for the...
Sherm McMaster was one of the more interesting characters in the Cochise County War. He was born in Rock Island, Illinois in 1853. Not much is known...
The “Gunfight in the Vacant Lot—Next to Fly’s—Down the Block From The Rear Entrance to the O.K. Corral.” Nope, won’t work. It wouldn’t fit on a...