He runs from a horse theft charge in Arkansas April 6, 1871. Edward Kennedy and Wyatt Earp are arrested by a deputy U.S. marshal in the Cherokee...

He runs from a horse theft charge in Arkansas April 6, 1871. Edward Kennedy and Wyatt Earp are arrested by a deputy U.S. marshal in the Cherokee...
The story of Wyatt Earp and a Jewish symbol. April 1882. Wyatt Earp--running from the Cochise County law after the Vendetta Ride--is in New Mexico,...
The Earps’ last stand in Los Angeles was more bust than bonanza. In 1866 the first home for disabled war veterans was opened in Togus, Maine, and...
Wyatt and Allie Earp bonded over a sewing machine. The legend goes that Allie Earp, Virgil’s wife, didn’t think much of his brother Wyatt. At least...
The Earp women were frantic when the guns went off. So when the OK Corral fight broke out, what were the Earp women doing? According to Virgil’s...
Most of the older films about the “Gunfight Near the OK Corral” would have you believe the feud, like the movie, was over. The 1993 film Tombstone...
Sweet treats were greatly anticipated and appreciated at Christmastime on the American frontier. Allie Earp recalled how much her husband, Virgil,...
Most of the older movies about the “Gunfight Near the OK Corral” would have you believe the feud, like the film, was over. The 1993 film Tombstone...
After the Earps had left southeast Arizona, Ike Clanton made his way northeast. He helped set up a rustling ring in Graham and Apache counties. The...
Wyatt Earp approached Ike Clanton on June 2, 1881. He offered a deal: if Ike would turn over his friends who’d robbed the Benson stage six weeks...
In 1871, Wyatt Earp faced five years in prison for stealing horses in Indian Territory. In preparation for trial, he and others were held at the...