Remember the Alamo (Replica) John Wayne starred in 1960’s The Alamo, filmed on a 500-acre set that took two years to build. When the actors and...
Preservation: An Artistic Renovation
An Artistic Renovation In 1940 Olaf Wieghorst found his calling as a Western artist. Born in Denmark in 1899, he emigrated to the U.S. in his...
Preservation: Saving the Neighborhood
Saving the Neighborhood Wyoming was still living the Wild West when the state’s first governor’s mansion was built in Cheyenne in 1904. It housed...
Preservation: Surrender Site
Surrender Site We now know just where the Mexican army surrendered to Sam Houston’s forces at the Battle of San Jacinto. You mean, the site was...
Preservation: Where the Bodies are Buried
Where the Bodies are Buried In 2007, the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum in Waco was expanding its facility. The foundation of the new...
Preservation: Indians on the Internet
Indians on the Internet The National Museum of the American Indian houses three Smithsonian museums, in Washington, DC and New York City, under one...
Preservation: Monument for a Madam
Monument for a Madam Mary Porter held a unique position in Fort Worth, Texas, society in the 1890s. The Irish native operated a famously popular...
Preservation: Galvanizing Galveston
Galvanizing Galveston Hurricane Ike put a hurt on the Texas port city of Galveston in mid-September. Thirteen-foot floodwaters wreaked havoc with...
Preservation: Canada Can-Do
Canada Can-Do Ontario, Canada, thrived due to the railroads that crisscrossed the region in the 1800s. At one point, about 3,000 train stations...
Preservation: The Fort that Wouldn’t Die
The Fort that Wouldn't Die Southern New Mexico’s Fort Bayard was built in 1866 to protect settlers from the Apache until Geronimo surrendered 20...
Preservation: Hold the Fort
HOLD THE FORT A modern renaissance continues at the Indian Wars-era Fort Reno in central Oklahoma—thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers. The 55...
Preservation: Cash for the Nellie Cashman
Cash for the Nellie Cashman It ain’t easy to maintain a historic landmark. Just ask the Skinners of Tombstone, Arizona. They own the Nellie Cashman...