What can you tell me about Jeff Milton, who supposedly said, “I never killed a man who didn’t need killing?”


TWMag.com Forum

Jeff Milton was well-described by his biographer, J. Evetts Haley, who subtitled his book on Milton, “A Good Man with a Gun.” Milton was also on a first-name basis with a number of other shootists, including John Wesley Hardin.

Milton’s greatest gunfight occurred on February 15, 1900, at the train station in Fairbank, Arizona, where Three-Fingered Jack Dunlap, Bravo Juan Yoas and three others attempted to rob the train as it pulled into the station. Although Milton was seriously wounded in the left arm in the opening fusillade of bullets, he held the outlaws off, mortally wounding Dunlap and peppering Yoas in the seat of the pants with his 10-gauge Wells Fargo shotgun. The robbers fled without the loot and were eventually captured.

One of the last of the old-time gunfighters, Jeff Milton died with his boots off in Tucson in 1947.

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