western-desert-carolina-swamps-novelLewis Roe was one of the few soldiers whose Civil War experience took him from the westernmost battles in Arizona and New Mexico all the way to the Atlantic seaboard.

His diary, edited by John P. Wilson , describes both Indian skirmishes and Army-level battles. Roe’s diary entries and letters home capture the day-to-day drudgery of rain-soaked camps and maggot-infested coffee, as well as the excitement of battle, all the while retaining a remarkable sense of perspective. Wilson’s thoroughness and attention to detail reflect his archaeological background and help the reader understand the historical context. This book should be on the shelves of both Old West and Civil War enthusiasts.


John Taylor, author of Bloody Valverde: A Civil War Battle on the Rio Grande and co-author of The Battle of Glorieta Pass: A Gettysburg in the West

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