Movies both reflect cultural trends and influence them. The hats worn by cowboys in countless Western movies and television shows were and are often symbolic of the characters wearing them.
Tom Mix in his signature high-domed white hat helped institute the notion that good guys wear white hats. If the movie hero’s hat wasn’t white, it was usually distinguished by its size or crease or some combination of color, size and shape.
The arrival of Technicolor and more complex chara

June 2012
In This Issue:
More In This Issue
- Roger Archibald
- A Ladies’ Man
- Great Western Movie Hats
- Wyatt Earp Wannabes
- A Pathfinder’s Trail
- June 2012 Events
- Wyatt Earp Mystery Car
- The Big Kiss Off
- One Heap Good Gun
- A.K.A. John Ford
- Marfa, Texas
- Western Movie Hotels
- Tom Mix: The First Western Superstar
- Making A Character Hat
- 28 Moments of Entrapment
- Enchantment Meets Entrapment
- The Tragic Life of Baby McDonald
- The Outlaw Cowboys of New Mexico
- You on the SET!
- Custer Saved the Nation
- Wyatt Earp’s First Film
- Wyatt Earp’s First Film
- Wyatt On the Set!
- May 2012 Events