Fretting is something most of us try to avoid. Kirk Ratajesak, of Seattle, Washington, on the other hand, has made fretting his life’s work. But don’t worry about Kirk’s emotional well-being, for he’s a master woodcarver who specializes in turning pistol grips and rifle and shotgun stocks into works of art. If you think Kirk’s fretting keeps him continually vexed, then you need to check your dictionary and, perhaps, not fret so much yourself about such things, since the word “fr

May 2004
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- Rock Creek Killfest
- Is it true that you can fire multiple shots from a percussion cap pistol if you don’t grease the lead when you load it into the cylinder?
- Patton’s Peacemaker Blazes Again
- Mojave Drums
- Kirk Ratajesak
- All This Way for the Short Ride
- Custer Battlefield Museum
- Did Davy Really Die?
- Bird’s-eye View of 19th-century Mining
- Spittin’ Against the Wind
- Do any of the guns used in the gunfight near the O.K. Corral exist? If so, where are they?
- Did any Old West ranchers ever try to raise buffalo with their cattle?
- What is the name of the horse Teddy Roosevelt rode during the Battle of San Juan Hill?
- Why was John Johnson dug up in 1974 from the old soldiers home graveyard in Los Angeles, California, and reburied in Cody, Wyoming?
- Christina Hillius
- Vera and the Sultan
- Two Fingers, Straight Up
- Sings in Color