The sign above the building front is optimistic, to say the least: Most Interesting Spot. Where Real Indians Trade. Nobody trades at the Kewa Pueblo Trading Post in northeast New Mexico nowadays. It’s a burned out hulk, with no roof or floor, just some walls barely standing. But commerce and business and art may thrive here once again, thanks to a federal grant and progressive thinking from the local Indian tribe. The trading post dates to 1881, when it was built at a relatively new st

August 2011
In This Issue:
More In This Issue
- Llano, Texas
- Jody Dahl
- 1956’s The Last Hunt
- Vera Cruz
- The Comancheros
- Apaches in the Southwest’s Borderlands
- Theodore Roosevelt in the Badlands
- The Floor of Heaven
- Route 66 Missouri
- Steeldusts on the Chisholm Trail
- The Hotel Heroes of Small-Town Texas
- “Most Interesting Spot”
- Parlez-vous francais?
- Spittle, Flies and Dixie Cups
- Tragic Fight on the Devil’s Backbone
- West of Mystery
- Plains Indian Shirt Sets New World Record
- Medicine Bags to Purses
- A Bandido’s California Colt
- The Man Behind the Myth
- The Cowboy from Quebec
- The Faithful Dog
- Happy 225th Birthday, Davy Crockett!
- Ghost Towns of Route 66
- Was Geronimo a Terrorist?