Kit Lit & Fit

Kit Lit & Fit

I am proud and excited to report we are publishing a very cool original article based on a chapter in Paul Andrew Hutton’s next book (page 24). As...

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Truth Be Known

Truth Be Known

Old Vaquero Sayings "You can't appreciate what you have, until you know how bad it can be." Quotes “My heart is warm with the friends I make, And...

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All Aboard!

All Aboard!

All Aboard! South Dakota photographer John C.H. Grabill’s 1891 image of a Burlington and Missouri River Railroad passenger train on Horseshoe Curve...

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Bozeman, Montana

Bozeman, Montana

Plan a trip to the eclectic Big Sky college town and relax in its great Western vibe.   After statehood in 1889, Montana towns fought bitterly...

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Expanding Horizon

Expanding Horizon

Elliott West’s Continental Reckoning, plus a Texas Ranger history, a dual biography of Cody and Hickok, a novel of the Mississippi frontier and a...

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Look’s Market

Look’s Market

After 140 years, a legendary South Dakota butcher shop is still in business. It was 1883 when Carl Look, an apprenticed German butcher, and his...

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Following Fremont

Following Fremont

The Pathfinder’s 1843 expedition across the West is still a grand route for adventurous travelers.     John C. Fremont, known as The...

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