And the War Begins

And the War Begins

Perhaps war between the U.S. and the Apaches was inevitable.  They were once united by a hatred of Mexico, but the alliance began to change in the...

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Ragtime Cowboy Joe

Ragtime Cowboy Joe

Most people associate cowboy and western music originating with Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and Tex Ritter but the music predates the era of the “Singing...

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Cole Younger

Cole Younger

If I had to choose a favorite outlaw, without hesitation I’d say, “Cole Younger.” Besides being a “good man to ride the river with,” he had many...

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The Legend of Elfego Baca

The Legend of Elfego Baca

One of the most one-sided gun battles in the West was the one-man stand by Elfego Baca at Frisco, New Mexico on October 28th, 1884. “I’ll show the...

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Lady Pinkertons

Lady Pinkertons

Her smile could be shy; her glance at times demure, but her ears never missed a secret. A master of disguises, she changed her accent at will,...

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Belle Starr: The Bandit Queen

Belle Starr: The Bandit Queen

Sometimes an outlaw had to die before he or she gained fame. Myra Belle Shirley is a good example. She grew up in an affluent Southern family, was...

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Slim Pickens

Slim Pickens

Show me a magazine cover with a pretty girl, a baby or a dog...and I’ll show you a magazine that sells,” publishing legend William Randolph Hearst...

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Knights in Dusty Leather

Knights in Dusty Leather

Despite the violent image of the West there were fewer fatalities in the entire history of a raucous cow town than in an average Hollywood...

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