The Jackass Mail

The Jackass Mail

In 1849 it took 166 days to travel coast to coast.  By the 1860’s you could do it in 60 days. A decade later a train could make the trip in 11 days....

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Lady of the Law

Lady of the Law

I’m of the opinion that, even in today’s society, the women of the frontier are not given all of the credit that is their just due. Wilting violets,...

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The Dodge City War

The Dodge City War

What became known as the “Dodge City War” began when Luke Short returned to Dodge in April, 1881 and went to work at the Long Branch Saloon. Two...

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Spare the Rod!

Spare the Rod!

Here are some muzzle-loading tips aimed at beginning muzzle-loading shooters, however veteran black powder gunners might also benefit as well. Of...

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Stuart Lake

Stuart Lake

Stuart Lake is best known for writing Wyatt Earp: Frontier Marshal, the first biography (not exactly accurate) of Earp.  It was the only book he...

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