Bravery at Bloody Run

Bravery at Bloody Run

In May of 1889, outlaws attacked the army paymaster, Major Wham (rhymes with bomb) and a Buffalo Soldier escort between Fort Grant and Fort Thomas,...

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Gregg Palmer

Gregg Palmer

Gregg Palmer was a big actor, measuring out at 6’2” and well over 200 lbs.  But he was big in other ways. Palmer was a member of John Wayne’s acting...

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Were Cowboys Superstitious?

Were Cowboys Superstitious?

Were cowboys superstitious? Bill Dunn High River, Alberta, Canada Rodeo cowboys believed in dozens of superstitions. Some of them include: Never eat...

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Amnesty for George Coe

Amnesty for George Coe

George Coe fought as a Regulator during the Lincoln County War, and got something his pal Billy the Kid didn’t—amnesty for his actions. Coe was one...

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