The Mes Gang Falls

The Mes Gang Falls

New Mexico’s Mes Gang came to a bloody end in August 1875. They’d been rustling cattle from John Chisum (and may have killed a man). Outlaw Jessie...

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Holbrook, Arizona

Holbrook, Arizona

Before the railroad arrived in 1881, Holbrook, located where the Rio Pureco joined the Little Colorado, was known as Horsehead Crossing. Just east...

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Not So Gentle Tamers

Not So Gentle Tamers

Although some have portrayed early Arizona pioneer women as being “gentle tamers” the term does a bit of disservice to the toughness of these women....

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Friends or Foes?

Friends or Foes?

It was November 1893, and two men who had fought off the Johnson County (WY) invasion the previous year had it out in the streets of Buffalo....

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