Arizona is known for its number of hard-to-pronounce place names. A story is told of a tourist who was bound and determined to learn the correct pronunciation of every place he encountered. He pulled into the town of Ajo, stopped at a little fast food establishment and asked the waitress, “How do you pronounce the name of this place?”
She smiled and replied pleasantly, “Taco Bell,” “

October 2016
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- The First Woman to “Despise” Polygamy
- The Explosion
- John Bozeman’s Legacy
- Frank Hamer’s Recuperation in Pecos
- Legendary Lady of the West
- Struggling for a Dream
- In Frederic Remington’s Aiding a Comrade, what is the name of the holder that carries two of the men’s rifles on the front of their saddles?
- Pancho’s Pension
- Building Your Western Library
- Gambling with Men’s Lives
- A River of Life
- Yellowstone’s Early Explorer
- Virgil’s Sixgun
- Mogollon Rim
- A Formidable Foe
- Road to Destiny
- George Parsons: Tombstone Insider
- The Noble Trickster
- A Holdup for the Ages
- The Storied Hashknife
- What do you have to say about my favorite movie cowboy, Lash LaRue?