Andrew “Buckshot” Roberts was confronted by Billy the Kid and his Regulators at Blazer’s Mill on April 4, 1878. Charlie Bowdre (photo) told Roberts...

Andrew “Buckshot” Roberts was confronted by Billy the Kid and his Regulators at Blazer’s Mill on April 4, 1878. Charlie Bowdre (photo) told Roberts...
Western archivist, author and editor Kellen Cutsforth has just published one of the most dramatic, lost manuscripts of a youthful Englishman Evelyn...
During the heyday of the California Gold Rush San Francisco it wasn't uncommon for ships to set sail with a number of young men shanghaied from the...
Utah author Rod Miller latest book The Lost Frontier: Momentous Moments in the Old West You May Have Missed (TwoDot, $18.95) is a fun, action-packed...
How many Indians died at the 1876 Battle of the Little Big Horn? Vanessa Grandos Scottsdale, Arizona The best number to go by is 31 warriors plus 10...
After spring roundups, cowboys herded their cattle out on the trail, heading to a cowtown with a railroad station where the cattle could be...
So what caused Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday to split up—as friends and Vendetta Ride colleagues—in 1882? In a 1940 letter, former New Mexico governor...
They called him Three-legged Willie but before anyone starts drawin’ conclusions; Robert Williamson was famous Texas veteran of the Battle of San...
If you believe popular history and the movies, Wyatt Earp cleaned up outlaw-infested Cochise County at the O.K. Corral in 1881. If you are a fan of...
If Billy the Kid would have been given a fair trial in the Cahill incident, would the Kid have been convicted of murder or a lesser charge?...
As this special issue honors the best pictures of cowboys, it certainly seems fitting that we also honor the best Cowboy Pictures, those movies that...
A tumbleweed wagon was a jail on wheels used to take prisoners to a more permanent jail or prison. They called em “tumbleweed wagons” because like...