Miss Piggott’s Special

Miss Piggott’s Special

During the heyday of the California Gold Rush San Francisco it wasn't uncommon for ships to set sail with a number of young men shanghaied from the...

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Cowboy Grub

Cowboy Grub

After spring roundups, cowboys herded their cattle out on the trail, heading to a cowtown with a railroad station where the cattle could be...

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Doc and Wyatt Split

Doc and Wyatt Split

So what caused Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday to split up—as friends and Vendetta Ride colleagues—in 1882? In a 1940 letter, former New Mexico governor...

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Three-Legged Willie Williamson

Three-Legged Willie Williamson

They called him Three-legged Willie but before anyone starts drawin’ conclusions; Robert Williamson was famous Texas veteran of the Battle of San...

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Tumbleweed Wagons

Tumbleweed Wagons

A tumbleweed wagon was a jail on wheels used to take prisoners to a more permanent jail or prison. They called em “tumbleweed wagons” because like...

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