Henry Larkin Abbot

Henry Larkin Abbot

From the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans, in peacetime and on bloody fields of war, Henry L. Abbot engineered the infrastructure of a new...

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Rough Drafts 3/15

This year True West marks the conclusion of the sesquicentennial of the Civil War—the beginning of the post-war West, and the 125th memorial of the...

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“I knew Wyatt Earp...I was an assistant prop boy then...and he told me about the fight at the O.K. Corral.” John Ford’s statement to Peter...

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Gordon Snidow

Gordon Snidow

What I have seen, lived and painted is only a chapter in the saga called the West. What we used to call the future is now the past. It is called the...

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Year of the Indian

Year of the Indian

Art collectors were not surprised that the world-famous cowboy artist Charles M. Russell got his highest sale of the year with an American Indian...

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Arrest Those Spies!

Arrest Those Spies!

With all the pomp the Spanish officer could muster so far from present-day Santa Fe, New Mexico, Lt. Facundo Melgares rode into the sprawling Pawnee...

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