As the sun reaches high in the baking Nevada sky, two steely-eyed gunmen slowly walk toward each other in the dusty street.
Each man’s cold stare pierces through the other’s like a bullet. As they reach dueling distance they stop—ready to play out their deadly game of life or death. Slowly, each man lowers his hand toward his holstered Colt, fingers twitching, taunting their iron nerves as the moment of truth approaches. Like lightning, as each hand grips the butt of his Peacemaker, the t

October 2011
In This Issue:
More In This Issue
- Who is the Indian who appeared on a TV talk show, claiming to have been at the Little Big Horn as a child?
- Where is Morgan Earp’s wife, Louisa, buried?
- True West Book of the Month
- The Assassination of Governor Boggs
- The Doctor’s Lady
- Rawhide Ranger, Ira Aten
- Violent Encounters
- Quantrill at Lawrence: The Untold Story
- On the Trail of the Dalton Gang
- The Modern Tom Wilsons
- Gretchen Wilson
- The Tombstone that Might Have Been
- Judgment of Paris
- Six-Guns Blaze in Smokewood, Nevada
- Buckin’ for Buck
- Berries, and I Don’t Mean Whistle
- What’s It Like to Live There—Topeka, Kansas
- Did Doc Holliday Start the Fight?
- Artists We Love
- Wall Drug of South Dakota
- Wall Drug of South Dakota
- Artistas & Fashionistas
- How common were common-law marriages in the Old West?
- The Historic Arkansas Museum has a Bowie knife that’s marked Number 1. Is it the original?
- Did depositors lose their money when a bank was robbed in the Old West?
- Stan Lynde
- Sioux Success, Against All Odds
- Tributes to Kevin Jarre (1954-2011)
- October 2011 Events
- A Grave Matter
- 1956’s The Last Frontier
- Lone Ranger in Limbo
- Harrison Ford as Wyatt Earp
- John Ford’s Stamp
- Roy Rogers Turns 100
- Deadwood Strikes Gold with Mining Relic