The Devil’s Hoofprints is an anthology consisting of 13 short stories aimed at action-oriented readers. This collection is written by an author who obviously knows guns, horses and cows, as Brett Cogburn packs each tale with nonstop shoot-outs, fist fights, Comanche raids and crusty Mountain Men. However, Cogburn’s stories are long on crude characters right out of a Clint Eastwood Spaghetti Western, while short on believable plots, inspiring protagonists or satisfying denouements. The wom

August 2012
In This Issue:
Western Books & Movies
More In This Issue
- The Mini “Buffalo Gun”
- High Doom in the Andes
- How did Chester Goode, Matt Dillon’s assistant on Gunsmoke, get his limp?
- Singing for His Supper
- A Bonanza Paradise
- Pizza in the Old West
- A Tale of Two Shirts
- Tailor-Made Re-enactor
- Larry Winget
- Bill Anton
- 10 for 10: Santa Barbara, CA
- Why did the three “Outlaw Cowboys” from your May 2012 issue tuck one pant leg into their boots?
- Did U.S. marshals have authority over local law enforcement officials?
- Who is Sheet-Iron Jack?
- Who had the fastest draw: John Wesley Hardin, Wild Bill Hickok or Doc Holliday?
- August 2012 Events
- Following the Santa Fe Trail
- Railfest
- Rodeo Ben’s Jeans
- What are the Staked Plains?