Blood Brothers: The Story of the Strange Friendship Between Sitting Bull and Buffalo Bill by Deanne Stillman (Simon and Schuster, $27) explores the...
Steve Friesen
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Buffalo Bill & His “Blood-Thirsty” Indians
"Heap-big Injun likum Paris?” asked The New York Times reporter. Chief Daniel Black Horn replied, “I think it might facilitate matters for you if I...
Lakota Globetrotter
Sam Lone Bear was the Beau Brummell of his time and a savant. At least that was what the newspapers reported in 1899, and they were correct. He was...
Paris Catches Wild West Fever
Paris was a city Buffalo Bill’s Wild West hoped to conquer. Cody’s show proved a sensation. Parisians flocked to Neuilly to see the Wild West...
Rocky Mountain National Park
During Colorado’s gold “Rush to the Rockies,” Joel Estes was hunting with his son in 1859 when they stumbled across beautiful meadows that...
Celebrating Buffalo Bill
Johnny Baker founded the Buffalo Bill Museum in 1921 near William F. “Buffalo Bill” Cody’s grave on Lookout Mountain in Golden, Colorado. It was the...