Travel & Preservation
Gold Fever

Gold Fever

In the Bradshaw Mountains outside of Phoenix, Arizona, I saddled up with my guide Milton Joseph and two other riders to search for gold with...

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Lawton, Oklahoma

Lawton, Oklahoma

Fort Sill is the first place that comes to mind when I think of Lawton, Oklahoma. Especially during the month of May, which is when, in 1871, a...

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San Antonio, Texas

San Antonio, Texas

"Bring in your deer antlers and  you can trade them for a shot of whiskey or beer." When you enter the Buckhorn Saloon and Museum in San Antonio,...

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The Road to Mangas

The Road to Mangas

The dirt road to Mangas almost loses itself amid low hills as it winds through the windswept plains of New Mexico’s high desert. It isn’t a drive...

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