One determined lawman brought in the big guns. During the rough and woolly days of the 19th century lived a legendary generation of U.S. marshals...

One determined lawman brought in the big guns. During the rough and woolly days of the 19th century lived a legendary generation of U.S. marshals...
Texas Ranger Jim Gillett writes himself into fame. Jim Gillett was just 20 years old when he decided to join the Texas Rangers in...
Her $10 greenhorn mistake didn’t help. The first time Vera McGinnis entered the Big Top at Madison Square Garden in New York City, she looked like a...
Robert Duvall talks about the iconic Lonesome Dove, on the cusp of a special cast reunion. From the True West Archives With seven...
“We was flabbergasted.” The proud slayers of a huge grizzly are memorialized in one of the most famous photographs in all of Western history. ...
Looking back at Charles Orme’s ranch school, where students are still taught to this day. The aging Chevrolet Carryall van turned off the Old Black...
The famed Pulitzer Prize-winning writer shares his obsession for Billy the Kid in his tale of a gun he believes the outlaw owned. This is the story...
Evidence points toward Ella Watson’s innocence. Cattle Kate was the only woman ever hanged in Wyoming for cattle rustling, and history long...
Naughty or Nice. Daringly dressed in voluminous bloomers or divided skirts, with boots and big hats, cowgirls first galloped into American arenas...
A look at our mistakes throughout the years. We were snookered. Duped. Fooled. Em-barrassed. Sideswiped by a “discovery” that turns out to be fake....
Our readers remind us of the variables and vagaries of historic truths, “well-established” facts, headlines and historical photographs. At least two...