Investigating History
Frontier Colossus

Frontier Colossus

A look back at the legendary Texas cowboy who transformed the American Southwest   He almost single- handedly created the cattle industry,...

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Where Did the Loot Go?

Where Did the Loot Go?

Whatever happened to the $97,000 from the Reno Gang’s last heist? This is one of those “find the money” stories. And it’s one that has attracted...

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From Hero to Outlaw

From Hero to Outlaw

It took John Joel Glanton a year to hit bottom. The name John Joel Glanton probably doesn’t ring a bell. But in the 1840s into 1850, he made an...

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Canton of the North

Canton of the North

Lawman Frank Canton’s adventures in Alaska are legendary.     In the summer of 1897, Frank Canton was looking for new opportunities. He’d...

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Clum in the Cold

Clum in the Cold

  John Clum’s great adventure in Alaska is still legendary. John Clum is best known for his two years in Tombstone, serving as mayor,...

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Truth or Adair

Truth or Adair

The James-Younger Gang turns to train robbery. A half dozen men crouched next to the railroad tracks near Adair, Iowa, on July 21, 1873. The Rock...

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