Could you tell me when sabres were withdrawn from U.S. Cavalry Units? Keith Bell Denton, Manchester, UK After the Civil War, the sabre became more...

Could you tell me when sabres were withdrawn from U.S. Cavalry Units? Keith Bell Denton, Manchester, UK After the Civil War, the sabre became more...
What was meant in the movie Fort Apache when Henry Fonda said he would “travel by shank’s mare?” James Andrews Chickasaw, Alabama A shank refers to...
How did saloon owners and faro dealers split the gambling profits? Sherry Monahan Willow Springs, North Carolina Faro was the most popular of all...
I read that Glenn Ford was the best rider in Westerns. What other movie stars excelled as horse riders? Ira Lee Walker Peachtree City,...
Can you tell me who painted the cowboy on horseback in the well-known Colt pistol advertisement? A.L. Gaukroger West Yorkshire, England Jim Dunham,...
June 1, 1887 Detective J.V. Brighton (who also holds a deputy sheriff’s commission) and two law officers have been on the trail of Ike Clanton and...
Who knows the number of times that pioneers, cowboys, military men and others in the Old West suffered from afflictions of one sort or another that...
Having worked in the emergency room as a young physician throughout the 1970s, I learned the difference between human “sweat” and “stench,” as these...
August 14, 1899 Near dusk, two members of the Wild Bunch, Will Carver and Elzy Lay, ride into Virgil Lusk’s cow camp near Chimney Wells, New Mexico,...
Colorado Territory, February 1874. Fictional frontier doctor Elijah Baines sat quietly at the bedside of his 64-year-old female patient Sarah, who...
July 10, 1881 The west Wisconsin town of Durand today is hot—the mercury hits triple digits. For the two Coleman brothers, it’s about to get a lot...
APRIL 9, 1905 Navajo County Sheriff Chet Houck and his deputy Pete Pemberton hop a train from Winslow, Arizona, to Canyon Diablo (Devil Canyon), 26...