In 1877 Texas, Comanche teenager Young-Man-Listens is captured by a white posse and sold to a traveling circus. After two years of humiliating...
My Eyes Have a Cold Nose (Fiction)
Sensitive and intuitive, this book features an unusual theme. Blind since birth, Elizabeth “Gigi” Garrett is a retired concert pianist who lives in...
Big Sycamore Stands Alone (Nonfiction)
This tome offers a thorough treatment of the history and culture of Arizona’s Aravaipa Canyon and its people, the Western Apaches. Comprehensive...
As Big as the West: The Pioneer Life of Granville Stuart (Nonfiction)
Seven years after his death in 1918, Granville Stuart’s second wife published his two-volume pioneer memoir. In it, he had romanticized his 40 years...
The Sutton-Taylor Feud (Nonfiction)
Some revisionist researchers say the Sutton-Taylor war—which claimed some 80 lives between 1868 and the early 1890s—wasn’t a feud but an outlaw gang...
Searching for Tamsen Donner (Nonfiction)
This odd-but-interesting book provides an easy way of briefing someone on the tragic story of the Donner party, trapped in winter snows during...
Return of the Gun (Fiction)
Again, Jon Stoudenmier, one of the West’s most invincible gunfighters, takes the same well-worn trail leading to trouble. In this story, he leaves...
Finding Chief Kamiakin (Nonfiction)
This oversized and extra-illustrated paperback introduces us to a neglected chief, Kamiakin of the Yakimas. Among the illustrations are beautiful...
Custer Into the West (Nonfiction)
The well-researched Custer Into the West focuses on George Armstrong Custer’s summer campaign of 1867, from the 7th Cavalry’s departure at Fort Hays...
Music of the Alamo (Nonfiction)
The authors claim this book contains the only complete list of songs surrounding all aspects of the Alamo. I wouldn’t know, but as I read this...
Standing Up for Liberty Valance
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) is the last truly important movie in the career of director John Ford. As Liberty Valance begins, the period...
Jonah Hex Liftoff!
It looks as though the big screen Jonah Hex movie is finally getting off the ground with Josh Brolin playing Hex and John Malkovich as his...